by Rabbi Weber | | Bereishis, Divrei Torah
VAYIGGASH – INCONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION Rabbi Yehoshua Weber Our parsha tells us that Yaakov’s family immigrated to Egypt during a terrible time, a time when “there was no bread… because the hunger was severe.”[1] Our parsha also tells us that Yosef shielded his...
by Rabbi Weber | | Bereishis, Divrei Torah, Weekly Parsha
TOLDOS – YAAKOV WAS RIGHT BUT HE SUFFERED NONETHELESS Rabbi Yehoshua Weber Please consider becoming part of the Ohr Tzvi family by sponsoring a parsha message. In our parsha, we read about Yaakov’s theft of the blessings. We read that Yitzchok planned on endowing his...
by Rabbi Weber | | Divrei Torah, Moadim, Uncategorized
OHR TZVI ON THE PARSHA: PESACH: BEING FREED BY THE PANDEMIC – THREE YEARS AFTER THE PANDEMIC Rabbi Yehoshua Weber Dedicated by Alexander Tamarchak in loving memory of his parents, Olga (Rachael) Bogouslavskaia and David Tamarchak. Please consider becoming part...
by Rabbi Weber | | Moadim
MECHIRAS CHAMETZ, POWER OF ATTORNEY I, ____________________________, (print name) empower Rabbi Yehoshua Weber to act in my place, my stead and on my behalf to sell, to a non-Jew, all chametz, as defined by the Torah & by Rabbinic Law, that I, knowingly or...
by Rabbi Weber | | Divrei Torah, Moadim
PESACH 2023 פסח תשפ”ג קהל אור צבי RABBI YEHOSHUA WEBER This compendium is dedicated for the רפואה שלמה of שרה בת דבורה Please remember to make an Eiruv Tavshillin for the first days CLEANING We clean our homes of all chametz products because, on Pesach, even...
by Rabbi Weber | | Divrei Torah, Moadim
OHR TZVI ON THE PARSHA: PESACH – IT’S NOT ABOUT MAROR Rabbi Yehoshua Weber Please join the Ohr Tzvi family by donating or by sponsoring a parsha message. Maror. Eating it at the seder is a mitzva. The eating of maror, though, isn’t governed by all the rules that...